Vicki Lockwood

Vicki Lockwood

Vicki Lockwood Vicki Lockwood Goldfields Honey Australia Pty Ltd Biography Vicki Lockwood was born in the Central West of NSW in the Orange/Bathurst area and grew up on a merino sheep property. 1982 saw her marriage to Grant Lockwood where she gained her knowledge...
Dr Sophie Parks

Dr Sophie Parks

Dr Sophie Parks Dr Sophie Parks Biography Dr Sophie Parks (BSc, MHort, MTeach, PhD) is a Senior Research Scientist in plant physiology for the NSW Department of Primary Industries and is based at the Central Coast Primary Industries Centre, Ourimbah. Since 2002 Dr...
Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay

Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay

Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay LinkedIn Biography Dr Soumi Paul Mukhopadhyay is a sensory and consumer research scientist with NSW Department of Primary Industries. She has had over 15 years of “Fast-Moving Consumer Goods” (FMCG) industry and...
Dr Gertje Petersen

Dr Gertje Petersen

Dr Gertje Petersen PhD Dr Gertje Petersen PhD CEO - FutureBees NZ , Consultant – AbacusBio Biography Gertje is an applied scientist with a strong sense of purpose, and a desire to create positive impacts in apiculture and agriculture. The project “Selecting Future...
Karen Santos

Karen Santos

Karen Santos Karen Santos Biography Karen is a biologist and is fascinated by the interactions between plants and pollinators. Karen’s passion for bees started back in 2012 during her bachelor’s degree. Karen volunteered for a research project in Brazil to explore the...