Registration Now Available
Please click below to register via secure online registration form.

Key Dates
Earlybird Registration Deadline: 22nd April 2022
Accommodation Booking Deadline: 6th May 2022
Registration Closing Date: 31st May 2022

Bee Tech Challenge
Facilitated by the AgriFutures Honey Bee and Pollination Program.
4th Australian Bee Congress
Celebrating Honey Bees
Following on from the successful 3rd Australian Bee Congress held on the Gold Coast in 2018, the 4th Australian Bee Congress will be held in Sydney. After an extremely challenging few years for beekeepers, it is time to come together to celebrate honey bees, which we all know are at the heart of a healthy Australia! The congress organising committee are striving towards establishing a program that is both educational and empowering. More information will follow soon.
Shoulder event: The 3rd Australian Native Bee Conference
For those interested in native bees as well, the 3rd Australian Native Bee Conference will be held 11-12th June, also at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse https://www.anba.org.au/anba-conference/

COVID-19 Update – Impact on the Australian Bee Congress
The health and safety of all attendees of the Australian Bee Congress is our top priority. We are closely monitoring the advice and mandates of NSW Health with regard to COVID-19 and will adjust our approach as needed, keeping you up to date with new developments to ensure a safe environment for all congress attendees.
To view the current guidelines / restrictions in NSW (including international and domestic travel to NSW) please refer to the NSW Health website
We ask all attendees to please stay away from the congress if you are feeling unwell. We encourage the use of Rapid Antigen Tests before attending the congress, and whilst not currently mandatory, we welcome the use of face masks. Hand sanitiser dispensers will be readily available throughout the congress venue.
COVID-19 Cancellation Policy
In the event that the Congress organisers are required to cancel or postpone the event due to COVID-19 restrictions, a full refund will be provided. Likewise, if you are unable to attend the congress due to travel restrictions or testing positive to COVID-19, a full refund of your registration fee will be issued. Accommodation cancellations after Friday 6th May will be subject to the hotel refund policy.
Congress Commences in...