Wayne Fuller

Wayne Fuller
Wayne Fuller is based in north eastern New South Wales and has been a commercial beekeeper for over 40 years supplying Capilano Honey Ltd. Wayne and his brother Steve are passionate about bees and beekeeping and are the mainstays of their family based business – Bee Services.
Wayne is currently the chairman on the board of B-QUAL- an industry run quality assurance program and has been involved with B-QUAL since its inception. His business Bee Services have been certified by the BFA as an organic producer since 2005.
He has worked closely with DPI on various research projects including pollen collection; advice on NSW plants in relation to beekeeping, health and nutrition; and running workshops on small hive beetle.
Apart from his long association with the NSW Apiarist Association, Wayne is an active member of the North Coast branch, previously eight years as the president and two as secretary. Wayne is also a member of the Queensland Beekeepers Association and the Crop Pollination Association of Australia Inc. He is also involved with the Clarence Valley Native Bee group and is passionate about our native species.