Stephen Targett CSM

Stephen Targett CSM
After 23 years in the Army the journey within the bee industry started in 1995. A few hives to begin and gradually increased numbers to 450 hives.
Industry involvement has included:
Office Bearer of the Crop Pollination Association for over 10 years
Executive member NSW Apiarists Association (NSWAA) 2015 – 2017
Vice President NSWAA 2018
President NSWAA 2019-2020
President of Riverina Branch of NSWAA May 2021 – May 2022
NSW Bushfire Industry Recovery Grant
As president of NSWAA I was the principle for constructing and coordinating a $2 million NSW Bushfire Industry Recovery Grant application and having it submitted by University of Sydney. The grant required matching monies from industry and/or involved institutions. The application was assembled and submitted in 8 weeks. Assembling the grant involved negotiating with CRC WA, Wheen Bee Foundation, Agrifutures, University of Technology Sydney, University of Sydney, NSW government departments and NSW DPI for beekeeper training and a mapping audit on all NSW public lands for suitability as bee sites.
The bee business has been sold and I manage 15 hives as an interest. However, my passion and commitment to the industry remains and I intend to be involved in the bee industry into the future.