Danny Le Feuvre

Danny Le Feuvre
Australian Bee Services
Danny Le Feuvre is the founding director of Australian Bee Services (ABS), now 15 years old, the company provides pollination services and produces honey across SA. Danny’s formal qualifications include a B.app.Sc from Melbourne University, M.Agribus from University of Adelaide and he is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (GAICD). Danny has been involved in the primary industries his whole career, with a background in agricultural science, R D&E and agribusiness consultancy experience and most recently creating the apicultural business ABS. He has been lead researcher on many projects over his career and has published scientific peer-reviewed papers. He is a current non-executive director of AgriFutures Australia (formally RIRDC). Volunteering in a number of industry roles including being an executive member of Australian Honey Bee Industry Council (AHBIC) and a member of the Hort Innovation Expert Advisory Panel. He is passionate about rural industries and in particular the honeybee industry.