4th Australian Bee Congress

Amelie Vanderstock

Amelie Vanderstock

Amelie Vanderstock


Amelie Vanderstock is an ecologist, educator, and musical performer in her final PhD year at the University of Sydney. Amelie researches the role of community gardens and urban greenspaces for bee biodiversity. She also designs educational programs that connect youth with local bee ecology, inviting them to be co-creators of ecological research. Inspired by her studies, Amelie creates ecological musical theater and has performed at over 100 festivals, schools and in communities across Australia and Japan as ‘Amelie Ecology’. For her science communications, Amelie was awarded the Ecological Society of Australia and NSW OEH award for Outstanding Outreach in 2019, and Dean’s Award for Citizenship and Outreach in 2020. Amelie became a bee ecologist because she never lost her wonder at the amazing world of insects and their fascinating lives. Her dream is to share this wonder with our broader community- because we can BEE ecologists too!